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The Value of Eating Well

Maurice Wilson

Whether executing your financial life plan or investing in your personal health and well-being, time is an incredibly valuable commodity! This episode of the Wilson Wealth Show builds on a special new year focus on “the value of starting early.” For many of us, 2021 offers a perfect opportunity to establish new habits that -- if adopted now -- will pay off exponentially throughout life. This week Maurice, Ciera and Ablavi take on the all-time classic New Year’s resolution: Getting fit. It’s about the most common of personal goals and one that pays huge dividends, especially if you get started early. But despite best intentions, it can be hard to get started at all. That’s why the team was eager to consult with Gregory Beacham, the inspiring founder of The Touch of Soul holistic practice in Washington, DC. He gets the ball rolling with a creative perspective on health and wellbeing. This is a conversation that will leave you both armed with the latest information and fired up to adopt new lifestyle choices to last a lifetime.


Greg is all about sustainability. He recognizes that the key to helping people reach their personal fitness goals is figuring out a balance that will work long-term with their real lives and individual styles. Originally trained as a masseuse, Greg has evolved a 360-degree approach that incorporates a full spectrum of mind-body practices. Hear his thoughts on everything from the benefits of a plant-based diet to the toxic byproducts of stress, strategies for getting kids to embrace vegetables and why salad at the end of a meal is the secret to healthy digestion. Most of all Greg shares with the team his perspective on centering practices, like yoga and Qigong, which he believes set the stage for everything else in life. Although meditation is the go-to most people think of when it comes to spiritual wellness, Greg shares an unexpected variety of ways to get that meditative benefit – even if you’re someone who finds it hard to settle down. He’s got lots of interesting, cutting edge knowledge to share and unusual approaches to establishing life-affirming habits that are easy to sustain. And, as we all know, the sooner we get started the more time there is for benefits to accrue over the long haul. So why not get onboard today?


If you’d like to listen to Part 1 of our conversation about “The Value of Starting Early,” in which we focused on building personal wealth, you can listen at:



Key Quotes:


“Although I’ve not made the best health decisions in a lot of cases, I do know the right things to do … There are always ways to adjust.” (Ablavi)


“Once you get out of college, you’re always focusing on your weight. Your body lies to you for about 25 years, then starts telling you the truth. This is who you really are and it’s here to stay!” (Maurice)


“You can’t eat fast food all the time and just expect it to be okay.” (Ciera)


“The body shouldn’t be in ketosis. It should be in homeostasis.” (Greg)


“You’ve got to enjoy the life you’re living, enjoy the food that you’re eating – but find balance in it.” (Greg)


 “Meditation and the mental aspect of health is everything. The body is going to follow the mind.” (Greg)


“Journaling is huge. What the hands do the mind sees and the brain remembers. So putting stuff down on paper … is how you can truly process it.” (Greg)



What We Covered:

1:21 – Building good health is a lot like building financial wealth: The value of starting early.

4:00 – Touching on a few recent fads in working out and the diet piece of the puzzle.

4:58 – Introducing Greg Beacham and his holistic practice.

8:00 – Healthy lifestyles encompass a bunch of components that “makes life worth living.”

10:20 – Why fad diets like keto don’t work and how to embrace foods that will sustain you over the long term, both in terms of enjoyment and nutrition.

16:35 – Gut health and Greg’s take on the value in vitamins.

19:33 – About yoga, Qigong and breath/movement for healing and long-term health.

26:33 – Tips for parents who want to get kids excited about (or at least open to) healthy eating.

30:45 – How to meld a healthy lifestyle with the juggle of daily life.

32:30 – The single most important tip Greg feels he has to offer: Meditation (in one form or another).

34:50 – Greg’s recommendations for staying centered and techniques Ciera and Maurice use.



Connect with Greg Beacham:

Instagram: @thetouchofsoul



Connect with the Wilson Wealth Show Team:

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